
Catégorie de produit : Diagnostic
Electronic Health Records become a valuable asset in health risks assessment with the help of BioMeter. This product is essentially, am engineering clinical decision support system, which uses patient-generated medical data to investigate patterns in biomarkers levels alterations and to identify specific ones that correlate to certain conditions (diseases, clinical outcomes). These conditions can be attributed to one or several anatomical systems, so it is possible to measure the rate of given anatomical system deterioration by the number and nature of identified conditions.
In addition, clinical risk assessment tools (scales, calculators) are the array of instruments based on results of large multidisciplinary cohort studies and clinical trials (such as TIMI, NSTEMI, Framigham, etc.). Provided by BioMeter scales and calculators are adopted by leading world health agencies as part of clinical guidelines. Quick access to recommended clinical risk assessment tools ensures that the clinician’s work is optimized and results in better care of patients.
Metamodel by BioME provides means to get the whole picture of patient’s health by analyzing medical tests results and giving visual representation of how much individual anatomical systems contribute to current health status. Multiple visits to a clinic often result in gradual accumulation of sets of tests results that describe different aspects of patient’s health, but are unstructured and often lack context. This makes it harder for a doctor to organize and process the data and for a patient to do basic interpretation of it. Metamodel turns gathering of patient-generated medical data into continuous comprehensive health check-up highlighting situations that need attention from both the doctor and the patient. By using Metamodel, it is possible to visualize known conditions in context of systemic risks and to reveal pathologic trends and even undiagnosed diseases.